Geeveston Central is a free service provided by Paul Sleigh of Huon Computer Solutions, for everyone who lives in or visits the Geeveston area. It provides a directory of all the businesses based in the 7116 postcode area: Geeveston, Castle Forbes Bay, Port Huon, Surges Bay, Surveyors Bay, Cairns Bay, Brooks Bay and Police Point.
Can I be included?
If you run a business or service in the Geeveston area, yes. Otherwise, not at the moment, sorry! If Geeveston Central works out, I hope to invent Huon Central for the entire Huon Valley, so keep watching. If you live outside the Huon, I can’t help you — you’ll just have to do what sensible people do and move here!
What does it cost?
Nothing! Not a penny! I’m doing this because it needs to be done, and it annoys me that nobody has done it before. It takes a bit of my time, but I already have the resources and the skills, and if a person only does useful stuff when they’re paid, what good are they?
But what about the Geeveston Township Business Directory?
It looks like the Business Directory is no longer maintained. Oh well!
What’s that background image?
The background is called Geeveston Fanny apples, and is by Fred and Hannah Photography. It’s licensed to permit commercial use with attribution.